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"One License which Covers All" Policy / Price Adjustment for Testwell Maintenances

(Offenburg/Germany, 1 February 2018)

The software maintenance for Testwell tools covers technical support, software upgrades/updates and replacement of the licenses in case of server changes (only applicable for perpetual floating licenses).
For most of the markets handled by distributors the yearly maintenance cost was already 20% and will remain at this price. Some markets handled by distributors and the markets handled directly by Verifysoft have had still an extremely low maintenance rate of 15% in the past.
In addition to the core of Testwell CTC++, we offer a broad variety of integrations, configurations and converters. We had discussions whether our customers should pay for the different adaptations and add-ons. Finally we decided to keep our "One license which covers all" policy. This means that also in future no extra license is needed for these extra tools, adaptations and add-ons (for more details please check below). We are happy to maintain and to extend these kind of services to our customers in the future. But, in order to cover our development cost, we are obliged to adapt the maintenance fee from 15% to 18% starting in April 2018 for the markets which are not applicable to the 20% maintenance rate.

Here a partial list of integrations, configurations and converters covered by the Testwell CTC++ license without additional fees:
Testwell CTC++ Integration in IDEs include: Visual Studio, Eclipse, MPLabX, TI Code Composer Studio, Fujitsu: Softune, IAR Embedded Workbench.
Sample configurations for compilers & toolchains include: HI-TECH, Renesas (including former Hitachi and former Mitsubishi compilers), Cygwin toolchains, Tasking VX-toolsets, Metaware, Cosmic, Freescale/Metrowerks, Greenhills/GHS/Multi, Freescale/Motorola, Visual DSP++, Keil, ECJ (Java).
Miscellaneous: Converter to Cobertura XML report (v1.0.2), Plugin for SonarQube (v4.5), Plugin for Imagix 4D: Visualization of code coverage and call pair report, WinCE Add-on, Package for Linux Kernel 2.6, Package for JavaCard, Annotation add-on.
Ongoing Development: Viewer for JSON reports, Converter to native SonarQube format, and many more ...

Testwell CTC++ 8.2.2 Available

(Offenburg/Germany, 12 January 2018)

Testwell CTC++ edition 8.2.2 of the leading Code Coverage Analyzer has been released and is ready for download by customers.
The update provides the following major features:
  • Support of OpenMP
    Testwell CTC++ ed. 8.2.2 fully supports the OpenMP standard for parallel programming. The instrumentation of loops marked for parallel execution has been imroved.
  • New Tool ctcdiff
    Two reports from different test runs can be compared. The resulting report shows if coverage was improved or worsened for every summary level. Different test suites can easily be checked against code coverage efficiency.
    > more information