Combining and Reading symbol/data files with ctcpost

Apart from generating reports, ctcpost offers options to combine existing files of one type into a new file of the same type. Options are also available to view the contents of symbol/data files.

-a filename
This option combines (adds) the symbol files or the data files given on the command line to the specified target-file.
ctcpost [general options] symbol-files -a target-symbol-file
ctcpost [general options] data-files -a target-data-file
-l file list
Displays the contents of symbol/data files. The file list consists of symbol files and data files separated by blank space. A list of instrumented file names with instrumentation timestamps is shown.
-L file list
Displays the contents of symbol/data files. The file list consists of symbol files and data files separated by blank space. A list of instrumented file names with instrumentation timestamps is shown. For each source file, the counter vector sizes and the number of rewrites and updates is given.
ctcpost [general options]{-l | -L} {symbol-file | data-file}…