Justification Files

You can provide justifications in companion files, in a simple text format. No access and change to source code is necessary with this workflow.

Justification files are included in HTML reports with option -include-justifications followed by the file name.

A justification file is structured on two levels. A new source file is refered with a line starting with an "@". After that, each line starts with the line number of the counter to be justified.

The key CTC++ Justify must be omitted, everything else follows the structure of justifications in source code. Empty lines and every line not starting with an "@" or a number are ignored.
122 True  | DEFENSIVE: Must be present because of development guideline, never reached.
198 False | Endless Loop: Part of system design.
621       | DEFENSIVE: Default cannot be reached, enumeration used.

13 Function | SmallFunction: No test needed due to low complexity.

HTML reports generated with justifications provide a helper function to collect new justifications in correct format via clipboard to companion files.

Note: Mappings provided with -map-source-identification are also applied to file identfications. Hence you can reference source files in a justification file depending to your workflow:
  • If you do not want and need to use -map-source-identification, take the full paths to source files as reference.
  • If you are already using -map-source-identification with a common, equally named root like alpha in build paths and paths during report generation, you can record the files with the full path or with a "non real" path fragment like alpha\src\write_helpers.c. The latter version helps share justification files with other users.
  • If you do not have an equally named root in decentralized repositories and you want to share justification files, others (or you) have to add one or more mapping with -map-source-identification.