Error Messages of ctc2dat

The error messages are written to stderr.

List of error messages:

No input; give it either with -i option or by a pipe
Aborted by transmission error
Logically the input file reading is like reading the target e.g. via some serial port one char at a time. There has happened an error in reading the input.
No coverage data in input
The input file did not have a single "<START:…>" section, perhaps it is a totally wrong file.
Input file name missing after –i
Output file name missing after –o
Unknown parameter TEXT
Internal error.
Sanity check/LOCATION. Bad data encountered on line l, before column c. Ignoring this data. Seeking resync to next data.
A data set (<START:…> section) is being read. There has been a problem at LOCATION (module start, etc.), or when the whole input file is seen as lines and columns, on the referred point. The so-far read modules and the remaining modules of this data set are ignored and not written to datafile.
Sanity check/LOCATION. Expected "x", got "y" on LOCATION. Ignoring this data. Seeking resync to next data.
A data set (<START:…> section) is read. There has been a problem at LOCATION (e.g. reading counter values), or when the whole input file is seen as lines and columns, on the referred point. The so-far read modules and the remaining modules of this data set are ignored and not written to datafile.
Out of memory
Should not happen, some malloc() had failed.
Could not open file <filename>
CTC++ run-time error <n>: <text>
When ctc2dat has read from the input file one data set (a <START:…> section), which is not empty, it writes the datafile(s) using the services of the normal Testwell CTC++ runtime library at the host. In that connection there can come various error messages from the runtime library. See their explanations separately.

If there are any sanity check error messages where a data set was ignored, at the end of ctc2dat run a message is written to stdout (in all verbosity modes):

n invalid data sequence(s), they were ignored.