Report Generation with ctcpost for Specified Files

The two options -f and -nf constrain the output reports of ctcpost: With -f, the output is restricted to the files given. With -nf, the list of files is excluded from the output.

Usage: ctcpost -f source-file-list ... and ctcpost -nf source-file-list ... .

The source-file-list contains one or more file identifiers separated by semicolon. It shall be included in double quotes ("...") to avoid issues with blank spaces and wildcard expansion by Linux shell.

The files have to be identified as in the symbolfile (MON.sym). This identification is determined by the configuration parameter SOURCE_IDENTFICATION, by default with absolute paths.

The wildcard * may be used for parts of the path as well as for parts of the file name: The matching takes place against the file list given by the symbolfile, not against real files available in the file system.

Example (for SOURCE_IDENTIFICATION=absolute)
ctcpost –f "c:\projects\myp\file1.c;c:\projects\myp\file2.c"…
ctcpost –f "*\myp\file*.c"…

If -f and -nf are used, the file list specified by -f is reduced by the file list specified by -nf.

For instrumented header files extracted in the reports, the behavior of -f and -nf differs: With a file on the positive list (-f), its included header files are also reported and cannot be referenced separately. For the negative list (-nf), the header files can and have to be referenced independently from their including file.

Example 1
–f "file*.c"               #the .c files and their headers
–f "file*.c" –nf "*.h"     #the .c files without their headers
–f "file*.c" -nf "file*.c" #only the included headers

With -l, -L, -a option, specifying a header file in -nf option has no effect. The options can appear many times. In this case the union of all lists given by -f without the union of all lists given by -nf is used.

1 The short identification of the files with their names typically works only with SOURCE_IDENTIFICATION=as_given or basename.