The configuration parameter PARAMS is one of four lists of compiler and linker options. PARAMS contains all options having one mandatory argument with an optional blank space between the option and the argument.

The options must be known by ctc in order to handle compile and link commands properly.

Example (for Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler cl)

PARAMS = /Fe:,/Fe,/Fo:,/Fo,/Fp,/D,/U,/I,/Tc,/Tp [...]

Example (for GNU gcc)

PARAMS = -o,--output,-x,-G,--help=,-fplugin= [...]
PARAMS + -iwithprefixbefore,--include-with-prefix-before,-iwithprefix,--include-with-prefix,--include-with-prefix-after [...]
If a short option like -iwithprefix matches the beginning of a long option like -iwithprefixbefore, the longer option must appear first.