Code Coverage / Test Coverage
Code coverage / Test coverage describes the degree to which the source code of a software has been tested.Test Coverage is measured during test execution. Prior to test execution an instrumentation component of the coverage tool inserts measurement code into the code. The program part is logged as covered when the measurement code has been executed. There are many different coverage measures. Most coverage tools provide just simple coverage metrics (like statement coverage and branch coverage).
"Many folks "think" they have good requirements and tests, only to find out later via coverage analysis that those "great" tests only covered 60% of the code. Obviously they had weak requirements, or weak tests of requirements, or more likely: BOTH.
Code Coverage is quite an eye opener. Frankly, even non-safety critical should do structural coverage. Not to attain 100%, not at all: but rather to ensure they’re covering at least 75% thereby affirming they have good requirements and tests of those requirements."
Vance Hilderman, Chief Technical Officer, AFuzion Inc. / Author of the books "Avionics Certification" and "The Avionics Development Ecosystem"
Testwell CTC++ is a test coverage tool which checks for all coverage levels:
- Function Coverage
- Statement Coverage
- Decision/Branch Coverage
- Condition Coverage
- Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC)
- Multiple Condition Coverage (MCC)
Testwell CTC++ can be used with all embedded targets and all compilers!
The tool has also the broadest language support: C, C++.

TÜV Süd Certificate for the Code Coverage Analyzer Testwell CTC++
- is suitable to be used in safety-related development according to IEC 61508:2010 for any SIL,
- is qualified to be used in a standard-compliant development process according to ISO 26262:2018 for any ASIL,
- is suitable to be used in safety-related software development according to EN 50716:2023 for any SIL,
- is suitable to be used in safety related development according to IEC 62304:2006+A1:2015 for any software safety class.
For further information regarding the usage of Testwell CTC++ in safety critical development, please do not hesitate to contact us.