Increase the Performance of Your Software through Automated Code Inspection
Many applications have time-critical tasks to fulfill. For example, a braking maneuver must be executed within a narrow time window or it must be possible to react to control deviations without long dead times.
Optimum runtime performance and scalability of an application cannot be achieved by automatic optimization by the compiler alone, but requires development that is already geared towards performance.
Until now, automated performance optimization that operates across different hardware, compilers and operating systems was not available; compiler optimization results are heavily dependent on the way the source code has been written and, in any case, differ between version and compiler and the compiler optimization options.
Source code inspection with Codee for C/C++/Fortran
Codee is a static analysis tool and is used very early in the development process as well as during the testing phase. Codee uncovers performance problems in the source code and can automatically fix them. Slow spots can thus be eliminated early and cost-effectively.
As an automatic source code inspection platform, Codee analyzes time-critical C/C++ and Fortran applications.
Optimizing Energy Consumption
From an economic point of view, the optimization of programs with regard to energy consumption has always been of essential importance in the HPC environment (supercomputing).Increasingly, the focus is also on reducing energy consumption of software for embedded devices, as mobile, battery-powered devices (cell phones, tablets, infusion pumps, etc.) have to guarantee long operating times with limited battery capacities.
The climate-damaging emissions that can be significantly reduced by optimizing the energy consumption of various algorithms in applications should also not be neglected.
Is performance optimization contradictory to energy consumption optimization?
Not necessarily. In principle, better cache utilization or vectorization, for example, not only ensure faster execution but also lower energy consumption.
Codee finds algorithms in the source code with optimization potential in terms of better performance and energy consumption and can therefore contribute to the development of "green software".
- Quick assessment
- Automate code optimization
- Deliver faster application
- Save software development cost
- Facilitates the coding of applications with less energy consumption requirements
Further Information
Live Demo (July 2024)
Learn more about Codee's Automated Code Inspection tool to increase the performance of your software.
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We will show you how you can rapidly enhance the performance of your software.
Latest News
(current Codee version is 2024.2)
- Recorded Webinar about Performance Optimization Available
- Codee Version 2024.2 available
- Codee publishes Best Practices for Performance
- Verifysoft Signs Distribution Agreement with APPENTRA SOLUTIONS S.L. for Revolutionary Product Codee