Testwell CTC++ in the News
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9 tips for better code coverage measurement
Measuring test coverage, also known as code coverage, is becoming increasingly important for embedded systems. In many cases, these devices are critical to safety or business. Processes are based on IoT devices, patients rely on working pacemakers and intelligent insulin pumps, automotive and aviation is no longer conceivable without embedded software. This list could be continued almost endlessly.
Read the entire article here.
Measuring code coverage for embedded software
For safe and reliable embedded devices, testing is an indispensable part of quality assurance. It is not without reason that the standards for safety-critical software development set precise requirements for test methods and test coverage.
Read the entire article here.
Software quality demands both static code analysis and dynamic testing
By Royd Lüdtke, 16 November 2021 Read the entire article here.
10 criteria for selecting a code coverage tool
Various code coverage analyzers are available on the market for measuring code coverage. They differ significantly in terms of handling and quality.
By Klaus Lambertz, 9 September 2021 Read the entire article here.
Code Coverage on Embedded Devices
Software for embedded devices requires broad testing before the concerning products reach market maturity. Especially when it comes to safety critical environments, proof of testing is required by various certifications and safety standards such as IEC 61508.
However, in most cases code coverage faces the constraints of limited storage capacity of the targets and CPU performance. Thus, it is vital to choose the right approach in order to facilitate monitoring code coverage analysis on embedded systems.
Read the entire article here.
Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyser: Customer Testimonial from medical industry
... ISD chose Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyser, a product of Verifysoft to support them in the verification. Being a typical bare metal embedded system without a file system, counters are needed to store information and later download from the target to source. One of the biggest challenges is the limited memory in the systems of ISD. Testwell CTC++ requires a very small footprint for its instrumentation and the Host target add-on makes integrations to any system very easy. ... There are no restrictions with compilers, IDEs or debug tools. ... Embedded-Computing.com, 12 May 2017
Guaranteeing proper software behavior is a challenge: New Testwell CTC++ customer testimonial
Professional Tester, October 2016
Beijing Siener Electronics Tech. Development Ltd. Becomes Distributor for Testwell-Tools in China
Beijing Siener, a privately held company with headquarters in Beijing/China with offices in Shanghai/China, represents already companies like HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH, pls Development Tools, and GLIWA GmbH in the fast growing Chineese market.
Professional Tester, February 2016
Verifysoft announces new version 8.0 of Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyser
New major features of Testwell CTC++ 8.0 include improved the overall architecture of the HTML form coverage report, introduced "line coverage" in the HTML report, introduced "annotations", improved reporting of header files, improved merging of coverage data of independently tested code files...
Professional Tester, 31 December 2015
Software certification: Qualification kit for Testwell CTC++
The Official Daily 2014, 25 February 2014
Testwell CTC++: Code Coverage Analysis for safety-critical Embedded Systems
DSP Valley Newsletter 5/2013 (November 2013)
How good are your software tests?
Test coverage is used to evaluate the completeness of software tests. There are many standards which require test coverage measurements. ISO 26262 Road Vehicules Functional Safety requires according to the Safety Integrity Level statement coverage, branch coverage or MC/DC (Modified Condition/Decision Coverage). The aeronautics standard DO178-B requires test coverage up to MC/DC coverage. Coverage analysis is also widely used in healthcare industry and companies which are aware of higher software quality. ...
DSP Valley Newsletter 1/2012