Overview Page

The overview page of the HTML report (index.html) shows the coverage in total and per one or two levels of detail in a tabular view.

  1. The caption containing the project name defined with -D "ProjectName=My Home Control AI"
  2. Expandable detail information: Symbol and data files used, command-line, number of instrumented files.
  3. Total coverage figures for all measures chosen with -measures mcdc,d,s,f.
  4. Entities selected for the one or two levels of detail.
  5. One column per coverage measure.
  6. Sorting Indicator (descending by missing hits).
  7. Coverage for one file showing hits, total number of checkpoints, missing hits and the coverage ratio as a bar chart. Missing hits are only displayed if the table is sorted according to this criterion.

Ring and bar charts visualize coverage data:

  • Coverage achieved is shown as blue part.
  • Coverage threshold (default 100%) is shown as white indicator.
  • Missing coverage up to the threshold is shown in light red.
  • When justifications are present, their influence on coverage ratio is shown in a lighter blue.