Source Code View

Every source code view page of the HTML report shows the source code of one file combined with coverage information for this file.

  1. Details for the source file (expandable)
    • Parent Entity: The entity hierarchically above this file in this report. If it is a directory, its name is potentially shortened.
    • Source Code Location: The path and file name to the source code used for generating this report.
    • Instrumentation Origin: Symbol files containing the current source file variant. If the file is included in other source files, these including files are also listed.
  2. Counters are shown in two columns
    • True: all true counters and also singular hit counters, e.g. for return statements.
    • False: all false counters.
  3. The source code from the file.
  4. Additional coverage information for more complex coverage measures.
  5. Navigation bar: link to overview page and browsing through all source files.