The Build Launcher ctclaunch

In productive use, the instrumenting tool ctc is usually not used directly, but has to integrate with an existing build process. ctclaunch is, for Windows, the recommended tool to be used for that purpose. The alternative tool is ctcwrap.

With the call of ctclaunch prepended to the build command, an instrumented version of the program is built. To build a non-instrumented version again, nothing has to be taken care of except omitting the ctclaunch command again.

For other builds executed in parallel, only the process of the prepended build leads to an instrumented version. The other builds are not affected by the Testwell CTC++ toolchain. This is the key advantage of ctclaunch compared to the use of ctcwrap with option -hard.

Call on Command Line

ctclaunch [-h] [-log] [-iar] [ctc options] build command

The option "-h" shows a short help.

With "-log", detailed log files are written to %TEMP%\ctclog, the file names starting with ctclaunchlog_.

The option "-iar" is mandatory in combination with iarbuild.exe from IAR Embedded Workbench.


ctclaunch make all
ctclaunch -i m MSBuild
ctclaunch devenv MySolution.sln /build
ctclaunch ninja