The HTML Report Generator ctc2html

With ctc2html, an HTML report about the coverage data is generated from an execution profile listing and the original source code.

The HTML report of Testwell CTC++ shows the coverage information hierarchically for
  • functions
  • files
  • directories
  • everything ("over all summary")

The input is a text report (Execution Profile Listing) normally generated by ctcpost, but it can also be generated by ctcxmlmerge or ctcdiff. The information in the HTML document is presented in sorted order, by directories and by file names.

The original source code is used to generate an annotated version of the source code (Execution Profile), containing the most detailed information about the coverage counter data.

ctc2html creates a directory for holding the generated HTML files. The directory contains the file index.html, where the browser can be started.

This directory is in a way "position independent" and "self-contained". Thus it can be copied to another location and all links still work.

Starting ctc2html

The command-line syntax for executing ctc2html is:

ctc2html [-i inputfile] [-o outputdir] [-s sourcedir] [-t threshold] [-nsb] [-h] [--enable-help] [--enable-XXX[=YYY]]


ctcpost MON.sym MON.dat -p profile.txt
ctc2html -i profile.txt

creates the subdirectory CTCHTML in the current directory and browsing can be started from the file .\CTCHTML\index.html.