Target Testing: The HOTA Workflow

The Host-Target Add-On called HOTA provides coverage measurement with Testwell CTC++ for (embedded) targets.

With HOTA, the following use case is supported:

  • The source code is instrumented and compiled at the host using a cross-compiler for the target.
  • The instrumented program is executed on the target.
  • Execution counters have to be brought back to the host.
  • The generation of coverage reports typically takes place at the host.

A target in this sense can be an embedded target or any system with a different operating system. Also kernel mode applications, like drivers, can be instrumented using HOTA.

Essentially the HOTA package consists of a couple of well-commented C source files building the Testwell CTC++ run time. The files are "vanilla C" and compile with any decent C compiler.

Before starting to instrument code for the target, this runtime has to be
  • possibly adapted to the target,
  • compiled for it.