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Testwell CTC++: Introduction

LA vidéo de TESTWELL CTC++: Quelle importance a la qualité logicielle?
08:06 janvier 2017 Français
Quelle importance a un code logiciel correct? De toute évidence, le succès de votre entreprise en dépend!
Ce film sur Testwell CTC++ vous montre comment créer de la confiance envers la qualité de votre propre code.
Apprenez comment faire tous les tests nécessaires pour votre projet, mais pas plus que ce dont vous avez besoin.
Cette vidéo explique comment obtenir des rapports de tests complets sans modifier votre code source.
Vous comprendrez ensuite pourquoi Testwell CTC++ est l'outil de couverture de code le plus performant.
Découvrez tous les avantages de cet outil en 8 minutes sur notre vidéo!

Testwell CTC++: The Essentials
07:33 April 2017 English
Testwell CTC++ is the leading Code Coverage Analyzer. Verifysoft-CEO Klaus Lambertz shows in this 7 minutes video why Testwell CTC++ is the preferred Coverage Tool for hundreds of companies: support of all coverage levels, all compilers, and all embedded targets.

Testwell CTC++ The Leading Coverage Analyzer
02:24 November 2018 English
Testwell CTC++ is the leading Code Coveage Analyzer : checks for all coverage levels, works with all compilers and supports all embedded targets and microcontrollers. Testwell CTC++ is your best choice for safety critical development.

07:24 mars 2024
Avec la version 10.1 sortie en mars 2024, une nouvelle fonctionnalité « Justifications » est désormais disponible.
Elle permet d'expliquer l'absence de couverture. Les justifications sont documentées dans le rapport de couverture et ont une incidence sur le résultat. Cela signifie que l'influence sur le résultat de la couverture reste compréhensible avec et sans les justifications.
Ces justifications peuvent d'une part être déposées dans le code source lui-même sous forme de commentaires. D'autre part, les justifications peuvent également être fournies via des fichiers d'accompagnement, par exemple dans le cas où des modifications du code source ne sont pas souhaitées ou tout simplement pas possibles
Plus d'informations

Code Coverage Made Easy with Testwell CTC++
23:43 October 2021 English
This video gives you an introduction about how to make Code Coverage easy with the leading test coverage analyser Testwell CTC++:
0:00 Verifysoft: Introduction
2:05 What is code coverage and why measure it? (including code coverage levels)
9:44 Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer (main advantages)
21:30 Complementary tools (short overview).

Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer: General Presentation
12:54 September 2014 English
Watch why hundreds of companies rely on Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer for measuring code coverage of their safety critical projects. This introduction includes the history of CTC++, supported coverage levels, compliance with safty standards, support of all compilers and all embedded targets, ...

Testwell CTC++ Test Coverage Analyzer (Recorded Webinar, English, 157)
20:06 April 2021 English
Testwell CTC++ is a leading Code Coverage Analyzer for the Software Industry – for embedded software as well as application development.
This Webinar from April 2021 shows the key strengths of Testwell CTC++ and Verifysoft TECHNOLOGY, the company behind.

Testwell CTC++ couverture de test introduction (version française)
06:02 avril 2014
Testwell CTC++ est un outil pour mesurer la couverture de test. L´outil peut être utilisé avec tous les compilateurs et toutes les cibles embarquées (microcontrôlleurs). Cette vidéo donne une brève introduction (Prime Example) à l´utilisation de l´outil.
Testwell CTC++: Short Introduction (Prime Example by A. Wenz)
06:42 February 2019 English

Code Coverage for Safety Critical Applications
08:57 July 2018 English
Safety Standards like DO-178C in Aerospace Industry require Code Coverage for safety critical applications. In this video from Aviation Electronics Europe in Munich, we show how this requirement can be met easily with Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer.

Why measuring Code Coverage can safe life and a ton of Money
16:14 August 2018 English
Uncovered code can hide ticking time bombs. This video taken from a joined webpresentation of Verifysoft and QATestLab (Kiev) describes the benefits of code coverage. The example shows how the MP3 player Zune bug could have been avoided. Although all requirements had been tested and Statement Coverage had been achieved, an error came up in a crucial part of the software. Sebastian Götzinger shows that releasing uncovered code by acccident is avoidable.

Code Coverage for Safety Critical Embedded Targets (webinar)
13:52 April 2019 English
Errors in embedded software can be life-threatening. With no margin for errors, it is critical that your software development adopts a rigorous approach to compliance. This webinar will give you information about Safety Standards and Code Coverage on embedded targets.
Specialists from Verifysoft will take you through Testwell CTC++ to demonstrate how to face up to the challenges of ensuring Code Coverage: What is Code Coverage and why measure it? / Code Coverage Levels and Safety Standards / How to measure Code Coverage? / Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer / Tool Qualification for ISO 26262 / Platforms, Integrations and Customers / The Code Coverage Solutions for Embedded Projects in Automotive Industry
Testwell CTC++: Installation and Usage

Installation de Testwell CTC++, Code Coverage Analyzer en 2 mn (en anglais)
02:26 décembre 2020
Cette vidéo décrit où télécharger, comment installer et comment activer une licence d'évaluation de Testwell CTC++, Test Coverage Analyzer pour Windows.

Installation de Testwell CTC++, Code Coverage Analyzer en 4 mn (en anglais)
04:18 décembre 2020
Cette vidéo décrit où télécharger, comment installer et comment activer une licence de Testwell CTC++ Test Coverage Analyzer pour Linux.
Testwell CTC++: User Testimonials

Testwell CTC++ User Testimonial: "Our reputation is built on products which work properly"
04:17 September 2016 English
Excellent product quality including high quality software is essential for Lely. Lely’s configuration manager Kees Valkhof has given us an insight into the software testing demands of this supplier for agricultural solutions and why they are using Testwell CTC++ for measuring code coverage.

Embedded Office: "Testwell CTC++ allows us to test our software in the manner we want to do it"
01:01 July 2016 German (with English subtitles)
Embedded Office is a specialist for the development of safety critical embedded software. Michael Hillmann (managing director) explains that the company use Testwell CTC++ within the softwae testing process to verify that they can deliver bug free software.
"We use Testwell CTC++ since 2010 and are very satisfied with the software, the supplier Verifysoft and their support. Testwell CTC++ delivers a fantastic benefit to our company."

Schleissheimer: Testwell CTC++ is a strategiy tools for our company
02:07 July 2016 German (with English subtitles)
Schleissheimer is specialist for the development of soft- and hardware for microcontrollers and real-time-systems. The company works for important automotive suppliers. Hans-Joachim Schleissheimer, managing director/CEO, talks about the reasons why Testwell CTC++ is a strategic tool for his company. "We cannot afford to allow software errors to enter in the field. Each bug fix after delivery is a desaster!" For this reason we use Testwell CTC++ already since 2007.
Testwell CTC++: Couverture de test sur cible

Code Coverage on small safety-critical embedded targets
34:32 (Kiev, April 2018)
Errors in embedded software can be life-threatening. With no margin for errors, it is critical that your software development adopts a rigorous approach to compliance. For this reason, this paper presents an approach for supporting Code Coverage on embedded targets, and more specially targets with restricted resources (ROM and RAM) where code instrumentation techniques used to measure coverage might lead to a real challenge. In order to understand why this could be a challenge, we’ll review key information about Safety Standards and the related coverage levels that they recommend. We will also briefly introduce tool qualification towards certification of the embedded software for which code coverage has been measured.

Couverture de code pour cibles embarqués
31:14 (webinaire, février 2015)
Les erreurs dans les logiciels embarqués peuvent être mortelles. Sans aucune marge d´erreur, il est essentiel que votre développement logiciel adopte une approche rigoureuse de la conformité, avec les normes internationales de sécurité IEC 61508, ainsi qu´avec ses variantes dans l´industrie automobile ISO 26262, aéronautique DO-178C et ferroviaire EN 50128. Seules de telles pratiques professionnelles rigoureuses peuvent vous assurer d´atteindre les niveaux de sécurité acceptables. Cela exige des tests de logiciels et la preuve de la couverture de code. Nous vous montrerons dans ce séminaire en ligne comment faire face au défi d´assurer la couverture de code pour cibles embarquées.

Code Coverage for Embedded Targets
27:06 (webinar, March 2015)
This recorded webinar shows how to analyze Code Coverage on any embedded target with Testwell CTC++, one of the leading coveage tools. Testwell CTC++ is compliant to safety standards like DO178-C, EN 50128, IEC 61508, IEC 62304, ISO 26262, and others. The tool works with all compilers and all (even very small) embedded targets and microcontrollers.

Code Coverage on Embedded Targets with HoTa for Testwell CTC++ Users
39:45 November 2015
In this Video for Testwell CTC++ users, we will show how to do code coverage on embedded targets.As an example we will use atmega328p (part of the Arduino REV3-board).
It is assumed you know: how to integrate Testwell CTC++ on your IDE, basic usage of Testwell CTC++, how to compile, convert and upload code onto your machine, and how to implement a UART-interface on your device, if you are not using an Arduino UNO REV3
We will show: briefly how to do basic things for the atmega (initialize serial communication), basic steps how to tell Testwell CTC++ to use the serial interface, how to configure Testwell CTC++ to use the HOTA-Addon, how to gather data, how to process the gathered data, and an example how it could be used with μCunit-Unit testing

Usage of Testwell CTC++ for Embedded Targets (demo based on an Atmel ATmega 328p μController)
21:41 February 2016
The top benefit of Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer is running code coverage analysis on any target, even with targets with very low RAM & ROM resources, no filesystem and limited hardware channel for communication.
This video demonstrates key features and benefits of Testwell CTC++. The demo is based on an Atmel ATmega 328p μController, an 8bit cost effective chip.
Our demo covers 2 key ways of getting coverage data collected on the target:
-saving/dumping CTC_array[] content on the host drive (through the JTAG, available via the USB port)
-sending CTC_array content to the serial line (USART), a console in our case formatted with the Intel HEX format (note: this 2nd scenario with Testwell CTC++´s bitcov add-on is way to go when having trouble with Hota setup and no debugger connected.
Testwell CTC++: Normes de sécurité et couverture de test

MC/DC Modified Condition/Decision Coverage and Multi Condition Coverage
7:52 December 2023 English
Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) is a code coverage level which has to be achieved in safety critical software projects according to standards
like DO-178C, ISO 26262, and others.
This video explains what MC/DC Coveage is and how it differs to Multi Condition Coverage.

Safety Standards and related Code Coverage Levels (ECS Stockholm)
27:34 December 2015 English
This presentation has been held at Embedded Confernece Scandinavia in Stockholm (November 2015). Olivier Casse (Verifysoft France) shows which code coverage levels are required by saftety standards and how to achieve them with Testwell CTC++.

Code Coverage Levels and Safety Standards
09:12 September 2014 English
This presentation shows what code coverage is and why it should be measured. Different coverage levels are shown and requirements of safety standards (IEC 61508, ISO 26262, DO178-C, ...) are discussed. You will also get a short look into Testwell CTC++, a leading Code Coverage Analyzer.

ISO 26262 and Code Coverage
14:45 October 2018 English
ISO 26262 is an international standard for functional safety of road vehicles. In order to evaluate the completeness of test cases, ISO 26262 requires the measurement of structural coverage. Depending on the Automotive Safety Integrity Level statement coverage, branch coverage and/or MC/DC (Modified Condition/Decision Coverage) is required.

Code Coverage and Tool Qualification for Safety Critical Systems (recorded webinar)
15:06 February 2022 English
If you are in the business of developing software applications for Automotive, Transportation, Railways, Industrial, Medical or Aviation industries, find out why selecting
the right code coverage tool, and validating the tools compliance with essential security standards (including ISO 26262, IEC 61508, EN 50128, DO-178) can be a critical
aspect in the release of high quality, safety critical software.
By Mr. Dinesh Dulipsingh, Managing Director of Lexington Soft (P) Ltd. Dinesh has 25+ years of work experience in the field of engineering, sales, sales leadership, and
channel partner management.

Testwell CTC++ Tool-Qualification (by Oscar Slotosch, recorded webinar)
27:21 February 2022 English
Part 2 of the recorded webinar "Code Coverage and Tool Qualification for Safety Critical Systems" handles the qualification of tools for the safety critical development.

Kit de qualification pour Testwell CTC++
1:21 juillet 2016 (Allemand, avec sous-titres en français)
Dans cette vidéo, Oscar Slotosch (Validas AG, Munich) parle du kit de qualification pour Testwell CTC++. Ce kit de qualification aide les entreprises dans le processus de certification de leurs logiciels critiques pour les standards DO-178C, ISO 26262, IEC 61508, EN-50128 et IEC 60880. Le kit contient plus de 50.000 cas de tests et génère automatiquement les documents requis pour les certifications

Thirty minutes web presentation about the Tool Qualification Kit for Testwell CTC++
30:29 February 2017 English
This video is a recorded web presentation by Dr. Oscar Slotosch, Validas AG (Munich, Germany) about Tool Qualification and the Tool Qualification Kit for Testwell CTC++.
Introduction (starting at 0:00) Part 1: Software Tool Classification (Which tools need to be qualified?) (starting at 4:53) Part 2: Tool Qualification Process (starting at 14:35) Part 3: Tool Qualification Kit for Testwell CTC++ (starting at 19:35)

Avionics Standard DO-178C: Code Coverage Analysis with Testwell CTC++
10:22 April 2017 English
The standard DO-178C "Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification" is the commonly used standard for software in the avionics industry. It requires Code Coverage Analysis up to MC/DC coverage for the highest safety level DAL A. Watch how to be conform to DO178-C requirements with Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer.
Testwell CTC++: Intégrations dans des environments de développement / Utilisations avec tous les compilateurs
Testwell CTC++ fonctionne avec tous les compilateurs et compilateurs-croisés. L'outil est intégré à des nombreux EDIs et chaînes outillées.
Les vidéos ci-dessous montrent seulement une partie des environnements supportée par Testwell CTC++.

All IDEs: Easy Integration in YOUR IDE
How to integrate Testwell CTC++ into your IDE
08:56 August 2015 English
Testwell CTC++ is a leading tool for measuring Code Coverage on host and on any embedded target.
Testwell CTC++ can be integrated into many IDEs.
This video shows how to integrate Testwell CTC++ into YOUR IDE. We used Code::Blocks as example. For integrations into Microsoft Visual Studio and IAR Workbench, please refer to our special videos.

Atmel ATmega 328p
Usage of Testwell CTC++ for Embedded Targets (demo based on an Atmel ATmega 328p μController)
21:41 February 2016 English
The top benefit of Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer is running code coverage analysis on any target, even with targets with very low RAM & ROM resources, no filesystem and limited hardware channel for communication.
This video demonstrates key features and benefits of Testwell CTC++. The demo is based on an Atmel ATmega 328p μController, an 8bit cost effective chip.
Our demo covers 2 key ways of getting coverage data collected on the target:
-saving/dumping CTC_array[] content on the host drive (through the JTAG, available via the USB port)
-sending CTC_array content to the serial line (USART), a console in our case formatted with the Intel HEX format (note: this 2nd scenario with Testwell CTC++´s bitcov add-on is way to go when having trouble with Hota setup and no debugger connected.

Integration of Testwell CTC++ in Eclipse IDE
08:52 September 2015 English
Testwell CTC++ is a Test Coverage Analyzer which measures the Code Coverage of your software. The tool supports all compilers and all embedded targets.
Testwell CTC++ is integrated in many IDEs. This video shows the integration of Testwell CTC++ in the Eclipse IDE.

IAR Embedded Workbench
Usage of Testwell CTC++ with IAR Embedded Workbench IDE
2:23 February 2021
This video describes the seamless integration of Testwell CTC++ in
1. IAR Embedded Workbench
2. IAR Build Tools

IAR Embedded Workbench
Usage of Testwell CTC++ with IAR Embedded Workbench IDE
11:34 July 2015 English
This video describes the usage of Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer with IAR Embedded Workbench IDE. Testwell CTC++ is a leading tool for analysing Test Coverage.

The integration of Testwell CTC++ in Jenkins
2:37 March 2021
Testwell CTC++ offers various ways to integrate the instrumentation and especially the reports into the dashboard of your automation server.
This video shows a few examples which can be used on a Jenkins server without any 3rd party plugin.
See how you can use archived reports to review past Code Coverage from earlier builds and how you can use Testwell CTC++ metrics
to generate intelligible graphs to show your progress.

MATLAB Simulink
Testwell CTC++ (Verifysoft) and MATLAB /Simulink (The Mathworks) interface example
18:13 April 2016 English
In this video we provide a complete Proof Of Concept demo on how to collect coverage data with Testwell CTC++ in MATLAB Simulink from The Mathworks.
The example is based on code generated out of Simulink and compiled/linked with Microsoft Visual Studio compiler, instrumented for code coverage analysis by Testwell CTC++ running on Windows.
For more details, please contact us.

Microchip MPLAB
Usage of Testwell CTC++ with Microchip MPLAB IDE
13:44 May 2016
The top benefit of Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer is running code coverage analysis on any target, even with targets with very low RAM & ROM resources, no file-system and limited hardware channel for communication. This video demonstrates key features and benefits of Testwell CTC++. The demo shows the process commonly used for integrating Testwell CTC++ within a micro-controller compiler/linker, driven by Microchip MPLAB IDE.
You will see an easy way of getting coverage data collected on the target, AKA saving/dumping CTC_array[] content on the host drive from the debugger. This demo shows how to convert the exported data, which is a proprietary ASCII format, to binary format, compatible with the Testwell CTC ++ report generator.

Microsoft Visual Studio
Testwell CTC++ Utilisation avec Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
05:47 août 2014 Français
Testwell CTC++ de Verifysoft est un outil de couverture de test pour C, C++, Java et C#. Cet outil puissant est très facile d´utilisation pour l´analyse de la couverture de code et de test de logiciels embarqués. Testwell CTC++ fonctionne avec toutes les compilateurs du marché. Dans cette démonstration, nous verrons comment un code exécutable peut être instrumenté pour l´analyse de sa couverture de code à partir d´un environnement de développement intégré tel que Visual Studio de Microsoft, par 2 menus spécifiquement développés pour paramétrer Testwell CTC++.

Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Lauterbach Trace32
19:42 March 2016
Complete demo on how to collect coverage data with Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer using Bitcov add-on setup in Trace32 debugger tool from Lauterbach.The example is based on a GNU gcc compiler for ARM running on Windows10.An application note fully describing step by step the example project is available on request (please contact us).

Usage of Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer with Renesas CS+ IDE
14:26 May 2016 English
This video demonstrates key features and benefits of Testwell CTC++. The demo shows the process commonly used for integrating Testwell CTC++ within an IDE and the setup of the compiler driven by this IDE.You will see an easy way of getting coverage data collected on the target, AKA saving/dumping CTC_array[] content on the host drive from the debugger.This demo shows how to integrate scripts for setting coverage analysis ON & OFF, cleaning intermediate files, and finally generating the coverage report. Overall this is an example of completing your current tool-chain with test coverage features.
Plus d'informations
Page produit Testwell CTC++Vidéos sur Verifysoft et ses autres outils de test