Recorded Webinars
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Codee: Optimize the Performance of Embedded C Code, Reduce Power Consumption and Memory Usage
50:25 July 2024 Webinar with Codee (Spain)
Optimizing Embedded C is crucial to enhance system efficiency and performance, reduce power consumption and memory usage, and ensure greater reliability and speed in resource-constrained devices.
Codee will streamline your development process, making your embedded systems more robust and efficient than ever before.
In the quest for peak performance in C/C++ applications, conventional compilers often fall short.
Codee overcomes these limitations by enhancing performance through the creation of compiler-friendly code, all while preserving readability and maintainability.
This recorded webinar explores how Codee provides a systematic and predictable approach to enforcing C/C++ performance optimization best practices.
Discover how Codee delivers precise, line-by-line recommendations for enhancement, uniquely tailored to your specific setup—defined by your compiler, hardware, and processor—to ensure optimal efficiency
and quality from the start.
The World of Static Analysis
37:25 July 2024 Webinar by Royd Lüdtke (Director Static Analysis, Verifysoft)
Overview about Static Code Analysis with the following topics (among others):
Introduction Static Analysis, Concurrency Analysis (Race Conditions, Datarace, Deadlock),
Compliance with Coding Guidelines, Checking for Maintainability (Metrics),
Security Analysis (Static Application Security Testing - SAST, DevSecOps, O-Day and N-Day-Vulnerabilities), CodeSonar,
Software Composition Analysis - SCA (Problems of Binary Files, Software Bill of Materials - SBOM), Software Hardening (Security Attributes),
CodeSentry, Static Performance Analysis (Codee), Energy Consumption Optimization
Static Code Analysis and Dynamic Tests – Complementary Procedures for Quality Assurance
50:44 April 2024 Webinar by Klaus Lambertz (CEO, Verifysoft)
Static code analysis and runtime tests in conjunction with code coverage are proven methods for improving code quality.
This presentation shows the advantages, but also the limitations of both methods. To ensure good code quality, both processes must be used in a complementary manner.
The presentation also discusses suitable criteria for selecting tools for static code analysis and measuring code coverage.
Recorded webinar of 25 April 2024
Unit- and Software-Integration Tests in Safety Criticals Projects(228)
01:03:15 July 2023 English Recorded Webinar by Martin Heininger (HEICON)
00:01 Agenda
05:32 Introduction (White Box Testing, Black Box Testing)
16:00 How are the expected functional test results determined?
22:20 Which test methodes are used to create normal range test cases?
24:40 Which test methodes are used to create robustness test cases?
28:20 What role plays the structured source code coverage?
35:30 How do you successfully and efficiently perform test reviews?
40:30 Take Home Message
44:00 Presentation of Code Coverage Analyzer Testwell CTC++
55:50 Q&A (MATLAB, MON.sym and MON.dat, Departement involved in test reviews, Instrumented Code in the final product, Traceability)
Challenges in the use of AI systems for testing safety critical software (226)
01:02:07 May 2023 English (by Dipl.-Ing. Martin Heininger, HEICON)
00:00 Introduction Verifysoft Technology
02:00 Introduction HEICON Global Engineering
06:42 Definition of articial intelligence (AI)
16:46 Status of Standardization
32:37 Comparison of AI algorithms and classical software
38:43 Use of AI in Requirements / Test engineering
43:29 Conclusion
45:33 Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer
Proven verification process that simultaneously fulfils the standards IEC 61508, DIN EN 50128, EN 50567 and ISO25119 (211)
0:59:33 November 2022 English (by Dipl.-Ing. Martin Heininger, HEICON)
Selecting the right methods of Functional Safety Standards require a lot of experience. Martin Heininger (HEICON Global Engineering) shows during this recorded webinar how to proceed.
- When do you use static tests?
- Is a walkthrough more efficient and effective than an inspection?
- Why does only an integrated test strategy prevent a cost explosion?
- When does structural coverage measurement offer real added value?
ISO 26262: Experience-based selection of software development measures and methods (208)
1:04:13 October 2022 English (by Dipl.-Ing. Martin Heininger, HEICON)
Informal - Semi-formal - Formal Notation Principles
Safety architecture principles
Handling of coding guidelines
Review - Static Analysis
Unit – Integrations - Systemtest
Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analysis
Questions and Answers (Do assessors accept a pracmatic approach?)
Code Coverage and Tool Qualification for Safety Critical Systems (recorded webinar)
15:06 February 2022 English (by Dinesh Dulipsingh, Lexingtonsoft)
If you are in the business of developing software applications for Automotive, Transportation, Railways, Industrial, Medical or Aviation industries, find out why selecting
the right code coverage tool, and validating the tools compliance with essential security standards (including ISO 26262, IEC 61508, EN 50128, DO-178) can be a critical
aspect in the release of high quality, safety critical software.
By Mr. Dinesh Dulipsingh, Managing Director of Lexington Soft (P) Ltd. Dinesh has 25+ years of work experience in the field of engineering, sales, sales leadership, and
channel partner management.
White-Box Testing in safety-related Projects
1:05:15 January 2022 English (by Martin Heininger, HEICON Global Engineering)
In order to deliver reliable software, it shall be properly tested. In safety-related projects the scope of testing and the kind of tools to be implemented to perform the
testing is defined by safety standards like ISO 26262, DO-178C, EN 50128, IEC 61508, 62304, IEC 60880. Software validation- and certification experts from HEICON will
show the attendees what factors are important to successfully perform white-box testing in safety-related projects.
27:40 May 2021 (by Walter Capitani, GrammaTech)
Walter Capitani, Director Technical Product Management, GrammaTech Inc. USA, explains in this presentation:
The software development industry is in the midst of a shift to integrating security into the software development process - this is often referred to as DevSecOps, the combination of Development, Security and Operations. A key part of the DevSecOps movement is to perform security testing as close to the developer as possible to find vulnerabilities earlier in the development cycle. A proven technique to find issues early is the integration of Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools into CI/CD pipelines. Integration of these tools will execute tests and detect new vulnerabilities automatically with every code change. Join this session to learn how the latest release of GrammaTech’s CodeSonar and CodeSentry solutions work together to support DevSecOps and detect N-day vulnerabilities in your source code, binaries, and 3rd party software components.
07:15 May 2021 (by Walter Capitani, GrammaTech)
DevSecOps brings security testing into the software development cycle. Thus vulnerabilities are found (and fixed) earlier.
Uncertainty is reduced. This video shows, how development teams can profit from the Static Code Analysis Tool GrammaTech CodeSonar. Excerpt of a presentation at Static Anaylsis Day 2021 hosted by Verifysoft.
Testwell CTC++ Test Coverage Analyzer (Recorded Webinar, English, 157)
20:06 April 2021 English (by Dr. Sabine Poehler, Verifysoft)
Testwell CTC++ is a leading Code Coverage Analyzer for the Software Industry – for embedded software as well as application development.
This Webinar from April 2021 shows the key strengths of Testwell CTC++ and Verifysoft TECHNOLOGY, the company behind.
Explanation of different Code Coverage levels
05:28 June 2019 English (by Dr. Sabine Poehler, Verifysoft)
This video explains code coverage levels such as Function Coverage, Statement Coverage, Decision Coverage, Path Coverage, MC/DC Coverage, and Multicondition Coverage (by Sabine Poehler, Product Manager Testwell Tools, Verifysoft Technology).
18:22 May 2019 (by Jan-David Baltzer, Verifysoft)
In order to protect investments continuous refactoring is essential to increase lifetime of software applications. Sometimes it pays off to perform refactoring of legacy code. In that case the program has potential to be reused in the latest projects. Thereby the code is revised towards an improved maintainability and extensibility while keeping its functionality.
Imagix 4D is the ideal tool to assist you in performing the refactoring process. A comprehensive and well-arranged visualization of the existing architecture facilitates achieving a fast understanding of component interaction. Modifications can be performed smoothly.
Find out, how Imagix 4D can help to support with refactoring.
37:45 March 2019 (by Dr. Paul Anderson, GrammaTech)
6. Static Code Analysis Day 2019:
This talk will describe how machine learning techniques work and will show how they are able to find several previously unknown bugs in high-profile software systems. It will demonstrate how software developers can use these techniques to find defects that are otherwise very difficult to anticipate.
Why measuring Code Coverage can safe life and a ton of Money
16:14 August 2018 English (by Sebastian Götzinger, Verifysoft)
Uncovered code can hide ticking time bombs. This video taken from a joined webpresentation of Verifysoft and QATestLab (Kiev) describes the benefits of code coverage. The example shows how the MP3 player Zune bug could have been avoided. Although all requirements had been tested and Statement Coverage had been achieved, an error came up in a crucial part of the software. Sebastian Götzinger shows that releasing uncovered code by acccident is avoidable.