Coverage Levels set with ctcpost

(Deprecated) The structural coverage level can be chosen with these options (Function, Decision, Condition and MC/DC).

Forces function coverage view to be used in the listings even if the instrumentation was done with a higher (decision or multicondition) coverage.
Forces decision coverage view to be used in the listings even if the instrumentation was done with a higher (multicondition) coverage.
Forces condition coverage view to be used in the listings. This option has effect only when the instrumentation was done with multicondition coverage.
Forces MC/DC coverage view to be used in the listings. This option has effect only when the instrumentation was done with multicondition coverage.
Note: Without one of these options, the coverage level is used as defined during instrumentation (Function, Decision or Multicondition). Hence for Condition Coverage and MC/DC, to use these options is the only possibility. Statement Coverage is derived independently by ctcpost, if the instrumentation mode was Decision Coverage at least.