Tool specific news:
Testwell CMT++/CMTJava
Testwell CTC++
RECENT NEWS (all tools)

Embedded World 2024:
Verifysoft with best in class Software Testing Tools
(Nuremberg, Offenburg, 11 April 2024)
Verifysoft and its partner Codee informed about first-class tools for improving the quality, productivity, safety and security of embedded software.14 people presented in Nuremberg the latest versions of the code coverage analyzer Testwell CTC++, as well as the static analysis tools Imagix 4D and CodeSonar.
New on show: Codee, a cutting-edge solution for optimizing performance while simultaneously reducing energy consumption and memory usage.
Learn more about the highlights at our booth in our Trade fair video and on our trade show review.

New Company and Product Brochure
(Offenburg, 3 April 2024)
We are constantly developing our tools and adding new tools and seminars to our range.Our company and product brochure has therefore been updated and expanded.
The following new features and tools are now included:
- Testwell CTC++ with justications for missing code coveage and a new report format
- Updated information for the tools CodeSonar, Imagix 4D, and CodeSentry
- Corporate philosophy
- and even more customers ...
Learn more: Company and Product Brochure 2024

MIGTEC distributes Testwell Tools in Australia and New Zealand
(Offenburg/Germany, Sydney/Australia, 22 March 2024)
Verifysoft has assigned MIGTEC PTY LTD as distributor for the Code Coverage Analyzer Testwell CTC++ and the Complexity Measurement Tools Testwell CMT++ and CMTJava for Australia and New Zealand.MIGTEC is an independent Australian professional services company established in 1999. The company is focused on providing Technical IT solutions for Worlds’s leading organisations. MIGTEC is an industry leader delivering specialised solutions and advisory in QA testing, requirements management and software development.
Learn more: MIGTEC website

Verifysoft: World Market Leader with a single Test Tool
(Offenburg, 8 November 2023)
The safety-relevant software "Testwell CTC++" from Verifysoft Technology is used worldwide. The company serves Airbus and NASA, among others.With a single test tool, Verifysoft Technology became a global market leader.
Nevertheless, Managing Director Klaus Lambertz has not lost his grip on reality. The reason: people are more important to him than fast profits.
Learn more: Verifysoft provides Security and Safety for Software Worldwide

Verifysoft: for Your Software's Quality - 20 Years Already
(Offenburg/Germany, 30 September 2023)
In the summer of 2003, the history of Verifysoft begins with two employees in the Offenburg Technology Park. The company, whose first office furniture came from bulky waste, provides support and sales for the testing software of the Finnish company Testwell.Today, Verifysoft is the owner of the world's leading Code Coverage Analyzer, and is one of the leading providers of testing and analysis software with more than 750 customers on all continents. Customer and employee satisfaction is, was, and will be are always the in the focus of the company. Learn more!

Adventure Team Event 2023
(Offenburg, 12 September 2023)
During a trip in the countryside the Verifysoft team droves this year a couple of draisines (light auxiliary rail vehicles) of the Southern Palatinate Draisine Railway (Südpfalz-Draisinenbahn). The draisine is a kind of cross between a bicycle and a train, a "rail bike". The draisines of the Southern Palatinate (south-west of Germany) took us on a 24-kilometer journey through the green plains and forests of the Palatinate. Gentle climbs and descents brought us lot pleasure and also improves our fitness.You want to be part of our team? Check out our job offers.

Embedded World Nuremberg: Highlights at Verifysoft
(Nuremberg, Offenburg, 22 March 2023)
Verifysoft was with 10 people at the Embedded World in Nuremberg and showed first-class tools for increasing and securing software quality for embedded software.We would like to thank the numerous visitors for the interesting discussions.
You can get an overview of the trade fair happenings and the highlights at our booth in our Trade fair video and on our trade fair review.

Verifysoft-Interview with Easy Engineering
(Bucharest/Romania, Offenburg/Germany, 20 March 2023)
Easy Engineering has published an interview with Verifysoft Technology.Verifysoft CEO Klaus Lambertz speaks about application areas for software testing tools, product news, market trends and future prospects.
Read here the complete interview.

Verifysoft reports revenue record for 2021
(Offenburg/Germany, 10 November 2021)
End of October, Verifysoft has already surpassed the previous record revenue of 2019. We will significantly exceed the ambitious revenue targets set for 2021 by the end of the year.The cornerstone of this success is first of all the Code Coverage Analyzer Testwell CTC++, which is now being used successfully in over 40 countries on all continents. Many key accounts have significantly expanded the use of Testwell CTC++ during this year. Currently, over 700 customers improve their software with tools from Verifysoft.
For 2022 we expect further sales increases with the static code analysis tool GrammaTech CodeSonar and the innovative security vulnerability detection tool GrammaTech CodeSentry.
Verifysoft has been operating profitably for years and finances its growth exclusively from cash flow.

Verifysoft welcomes G3TEK Embedded Technologies as Distributor for Testwell Tools in Turkey
(Offenburg/Germany, Ankara/Turkey, 27 August 2021)
Verifysoft appointed G3TEK Embedded Technologies as distributor for Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer in Turkey. G3TEK is based in Ankara/Turkey and provides local services and software development solutions for embedded / real-time applications. The company helps its customers reduce their expenses and get to the market on time. It produces solutions in the fields of defense, aerospace, energy, rail systems and automotive. G3TEK provides software development tools for embedded / real-time applications, DO-178 B/C certifiable RTOS, middleware libraries, UML & SysML modeling tools, static analysis tools, GUI development tools and JTAG emulators. More information is available from G3TEK’s website.
Testwell CTC++ is the leading code coverage analyzer for embedded software. The tool is currently successfully used by 700+ customers in 39 countries.

Follow our Video-Series "1 minute at Verifysoft" with Verifysoft Team Members:
(Offenburg, 22 June 2021)
In our video series "1 minute at Verifysoft", some members of our team introduce their "life" at Verifysoft Technology:
What is their daily work like, what are the challenges, why do they get involved with Verifysoft and what happens in their free time?
Learn more on our YouTube channel.

New Video: Verifysoft - for Your Software's Quality
(Offenburg/Germany, 23 April 2021)
Verifysoft provides best Software Testing Solutions, seminars, and advice since 2003. The motivated Verifysoft team is here to increase the quality and productivity of your software development teams. Many things happened during the last years. We have shown some of this moments in our new video. Watch the video here!

GrammaTech and Verifysoft Congratulate Long Time Customer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, on their Successful Landing of Perseverance Rover
(Ithaca / USA, Offenburg / Germany, 24 February 2021)
As part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, "the Perseverance rover’s landing" was another exciting step towards knowing more about our Martian neighbor.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has been a long-time customer of GrammaTech and Verifysoft. JPL are regular users of the static analysis tool CodeSonar and the code coverage analyser Testwell CTC++ on their software projects. As such, we take great pride in being a small part of their success and achieving their project goals.

Testwell CTC++ and GrammaTech CodeSonar mentionned in the French Standard Book for Software Tests
(Paris, Offenburg, 10 February 2021)
The fourth edition of the French standard book for software tests "Pratique des Tests Logiciels" is now published by the French editor Dunod.
Autors are Professor Jean-François Pradat-Peyre (University of Paris) and Jacques Printz. On 256 pages, the book covers all relevant topics relating to software testing. Verifysoft contributes with its expertise in the field of testing embedded systems and the benefits of the combination of static and dynamic code analysis. Testwell CTC++ and GrammaTech CodeSonar are mentionned in this practical example.
The English translation of the chapter is available here.

Verifysoft with articles in French reference book for software testing
(Paris, Offenburg, 10th Feburary 2021)
The fourth edition of the French reference book for software testing "Pratique des Tests Logiciels" was published by Dunod (publishing house).
It is authored by Professor Jean-François Pradat-Peyre (Paris University) und Jacques Printz. The preface was written by Verifysoft’s CEO Klaus Lambertz (French version). SThe 256-page book deals with all relevant topics around the subject of software testing. Verifysoft was given the opportunity to i.a. provide its expertise on embedded system testing and clarify the benefit of using static and dynamic code analysis together.
You can find the German translation of the chapter here.

Verifysoft Technology has been elected among the World's Best QA & Solution Providers 2020
(Dublin/OH/USA, Offenburg/Germany, 12 May 2020)
More information: Verifysoft Technology GmbH: A Prominent Code Coverage Analyzer for Embedded Software (pdf) CIO Look

Verifysoft Technology: The Company Video
(Offenburg/Germany, 20 December 2019)
Verifysoft Technology has provided first class testing and analysis tools to software development teams. In short, we sell safety and security.
What does Verifysoft offer to over 600 customers in 40 countries?
Why is the customers’ satisfaction more important than making a fast buck?
Why is a positive working atmosphere important to us?
Verifysoft's Company Video gives answers.

Architectgroup becomes SLEXN Inc.
(Seoul/ Republic of Korea (ROK), Offenburg/Germany, 4 april 2019)
Having started as a software-based consulting company, SLEXN Inc. became a supplier of technical services and tools in various areas. They create an individual IT infrastructure based on the demands of the customer. SLXN Inc. always provides long lasting professional solutions rather than just a strategic advice. They implement concrete strategies and technologies to obtain a high value within the new environment of the client with a clear view towards future developments.

Insights Success: Verifysoft Technology is one of the 10 Best Performing Software Testing Solution Providers
(Dublin/Ohio, USA, Offenburg/Germany, 26 June 2018)
Insights Success focuses distinctively on emerging as well as leading fastest growing companies, their confrontational style of doing businesses and the way of delivering effective and collaborative solutions to strengthen market share. Verifysoft Technology has now been elected among the 10 best performing software solution providers by Insights Success. Since its founding in 2003, Verifysoft has established a presence in over 40 countries and recorded growth of more than 40% last year. The company believes software testing is an essential service and its importance will only increase in the future. Verifysoft has established itself as a leader in providing software testing solutions which are efficient and reliable. Its CTC++ test system is extremely reliable even in the most adverse and challenging circumstances. The management team at Verifysoft believes they have a good product on their hands, and they give client satisfaction top priority.
Read the entire article here.

Verifysoft: The customers’ satisfaction is more important than making a fast buck for our quarterly result
(Offenburg/Germany, 22 August 2017)
Click Here to see the interview.

Beijing Siener Electronics Tech. Development Ltd. Becomes Distributor for Testwell-Tools in China
(Offenburg/Germany, Beijing/China, 28 January 2016)
Beijing Siener, a privately held company with headquarters in Beijing/China with offices in Shanghai/China, represents already companies like HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH, pls Development Tools, and GLIWA GmbH in the fast growing Chinese market.
"We are excited to be a reseller for Verifysoft because their code coverage analyser Testwell CTC++ is unequalled in the industry," said Peter Liu, Managing Director at Beijing Siener Electronics Tech. Development Ltd. "Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyzer works with all embedded targets and supports all compilers. The tool makes it easier for software development teams to meet code coverage requirements and to meet the specifications of industry standards like ISO 26262."
"China is an important market for us," said Klaus Lambertz, CEO of Verifysoft Technology. "We are glad to have Beijing Siener as a partner to better support Testwell CTC++ users in the region and to further extend our customer base in China."
Verifysoft Technology will present it´s flagship tool Testwell CTC++ during "Multicore Embedded Toolchains Workshop for Multicore ECU Development" in Shanghai on March 8th and 9th, 2016. > further information

Verifysoft Becomes First European Distributor of the Source Code Checking and Architecture Analysis Tool Imagix 4D
(Offenburg/Germany, San Luis Obispo/USA, 2 January 2016)
Imagix 4D is used for reverse-engineering, quality analysis and documentation of software written in C, C++ and Java. Customers include leading global companies like General Dynamics, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, Intel, Nissan, and Siemens. Imagix 4D is also used by US governmental agencies such as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and NASA.
Imagix is a privately-held corporation, which is headquartered in San Luis Obispo, California. > further information about Imagix

A.I. Corporation (AIC) Tokyo will distribute Testwell Tools in Japan
(Tokyo/Japan, Offenburg/Germany, 26 August 2014)
"We enter into a distribution agreement for Testwell tools, because this tools are very efficient and easy to use. Testwell CTC++ supports all compilers and all embedded targets", said Hiroshi Ueda, Product Manager embedded testing division at AIC. "I didn't expect code coverage on target easy like this."
"During my visit in Tokyo I was very impressed about the professionalism of the AIC team", said Klaus Lambertz, CEO of Verifysoft. "AIC is the right partner to promote Testwell tools in Japan. I am sure that Testwell CTC++ will be successful in the Japanese market. For the automotive industry, we expect a similar success as in Germany, where all car manufacturers, a lot of their suppliers and many companies from healthcare and transportation are using successfully Testwell CTC++."
> AIC website > News in Japanese > distributors

Verifysoft is growing: Enlargement of the premises
(Offenburg, 7. July 2014)
Our technology is successfully used by more than 400 companies in over 30 countries worldwide. Our customers include all German car manufacturers, automotive suppliers, major European aeronautics and aerospace companies as well as leading companies in the medical industries.
After the acquisition of software testing technologies from the Finnish test tool manufacturer Testwell in the summer 2013, Verifysoft has built up a worldwide distribution network in the USA, India, Korea, UK, Italy, Romania, Finland and Israel. A distribution agreement with a Japanese company will be signed imminently.
After a very successful first half of 2014, we expect a further significant increase in sales for the current year. Reasons for this include the very good quality of our testing tools, the good economic situation in Germany as well as a strong global growth, especially in the U.S., India, Korea and Japan.
In terms of staff Verifysoft has continued to grow. This requires the enlargement of the premises in the Offenburg Technology Park. That is why we ask for your understanding if there is a short delay in responding to your inquiries between the 8th and 11th July due to relocation to the new office.

Lexington Soft LLC will distribute Testwell tools in USA and Canada
(Lexington/USA, Offenburg/Germany, 12 May 2014)
Lexington Soft is a provider of end to end enterprise software solutions for Software Development, Testing and Quality. Since January of 2012, Lexington Soft has been successfully distributing Testwell tools in India. Now the company will also take care of supporting Verifysoft's customers in USA and Canada. These markets will be handled by the sales team of Lexington Soft from the office located in Lexington, USA. > Distributors
Verifysoft and Pertech sign agreement for distribution of Testwell tools in Israel
(Raanana / Israel, Offenburg / Germany, 8 August 2013)

Lexington Soft is Distributor for Testwell Tools in India
(Chennai / India, Offenburg / Germany, 1 August 2013)

Verifysoft signs distribution agreement for Korea with ArchitectGroup
(Seoul/Korea, Offenburg/Germany, 3 July 2013)
Only a few days after signing the agreement, ArchitectGroup reported the first order: an important manufacturer of medical devices will use Testwell CTC++ in order to guarantee highest quality of it´s software. > Distributors

Verifysoft acquires intellectual property rights for Testwell CTC++, CMT++/CMTJava and CTA++ from Testwell Oy Finland
(Offenburg/Germany, Tampere/Finland, 1 July 2013)
Since the year 2003, Verifysoft Technology GmbH has already delivered continuous success in marketing Testwell tools in German speaking countries, France and the Benelux countries. Also after the acquisition by Verifysoft, the tools will be available under the brand name "Testwell". Verifysoft plans to further increase the sales through a worldwide network of distributors. Major European markets will be handled directly by Verifysoft.
Testwell will remain an independent company in Tampere (Finland) with the mission to continue the development of the tools on behalf of Verifysoft Technology. Testwell will also be one of Verifysoft´s distributors, serving important key accounts from Finland. > further information

Verifysoft Technology starts European Operations
(Offenburg/Germany, 18 June 2003)
News about other tools :
Testwell CMT++/CMTJava
Testwell CTC++