ISO 25119: Software Development for Agricultural Tractors and Machinery
The ISO 25119 / EN 16590 standard "Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Safety-related parts of control systems" replaces IEC 61508 in the area of agricultural machinery, which previously had to be complied with as the generic standard for functional safety.
The aim of the standard is to make agricultural vehicles and machinery safer and more reliable. By developing according to the safety standard, the vehicle or machine manufacturer has a solid starting position for providing evidence in the event of damage (the burden of proof is basically on the manufacturer).
ISO 25119 consists of four parts. Part 3 concerns hardware and software development and testing.
The V-model is used as the basis for development. Like ISO 26262, ISO 25119 prescribes a Functional Safety Concept, which should contain the functional system requirements, and a Technical Safety Concept with the system architecture or system design.
With regard to the software component tests, proof of structural source code coverage (entry points, statement and branch coverage) is required for software requirement levels (SRL) SRL 2 and SRL 3
The measurement of this test coverage can be performed with our Code Coverage Analyzer Testwell CTC++. Testwell CTC++ is successfully used in numerous safety-critical software projects and can - if required - be qualified with our Tool Qualification Kit.
The ISO 25119 standard also requires checklists and static code analysis (control flow analysis, data flow analysis).
These tasks can be performed by the tools Imagix 4D or CodeSonar.